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Rrose discovers her passion for art on a hitchhiking trip along South America. The way took her to San Blas a very colorful neighborhood of Cuzco, Peru where she stayed for a two months. One day, she goes into one of the many beautiful art galleries in this neighborhood and ends up selling a huge canvas to a couple of English tourists. This situation gives rein to her imagination: she offers to teach the artists of the gallery to sell their art in English in exchange for drawing and watercolor classes. After two months of plunging herself into the language of color, shape ands lines, she continues to travel portraying the people she meets on the road and trading these portraits for accommodation, food or money. This allows her to reach Colombia, where she decides to return to Argentina to deepen and formalize her artistic studies. For half a year, she explores concepts such as shape and color through the eyes of the master Jorge Melo; and takes classes in several art institutions as the General Cultural Center San Martin.

In 2009 she enters The Art Students League of New York and is accepted at Knox Martin’s class. Martin introduces her to the language of abstraction, an invaluable one way journey that becomes the turning point in her life. Added to this, the context can’t be more inspiring: the League's open studios allow sharing and interaction with artists from all over the world with whom I visited the greatest museums and most amazing art galleries.

After this experience, she joins an art community in Mexico and finally settles down in Barcelona. Here, she attends the Massana Art School and her project's mentored by the amazing painter and sculptor Gabriel Sanz. From that on, she’s devoted herself to develop her art projects. In honor to Marcel Duchamp, one of her most admired artists, she uses his feminine alter ego "Rrose Sélavy" for her painting projects. 



I've celebrated solo shows in Buenos Aires and Barcelona and have participated in group shows in Buenos Aires, Mexico, New York, Madrid, Barcelona and Stuttgart.


My works are part of inspiring private collections in Texas, Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, Cyprus, San Salvador, Buenos Aires and Barcelona.

There’s nothing more exciting than a white canvas, everything can happen: all possible ways open up to you, a million lives contained in one instance, the vibrations of every sensation meet you there, at the canvas, to make that brush become alive, to transform color into language.

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